AWPLI Certified CHWs Available For Employment - If your company seeks to hire certified community health workers, please get in touch with AWPLI at
AWPLI Certified CHWs Available For Employment - If your company seeks to hire certified community health workers, please get in touch with AWPLI.
Community Health
Worker Certification Training
In the United States, Community Health Workers (CHWs) help to meet the national health goals by conducting community-level activities and interventions that promote health and prevent diseases and disability. They form a critical component to health systems especially where highly trained physicians and nurses are in short supply. The value of CHWs to U.S. healthcare system has not been fully recognized. However, they are increasingly being seen as an important intervention for preventing and reducing health disparities by promoting and supporting healthy behaviors in underserved communities.
CHWs as a health intervention is showing tremendous gains in improving health, especially among vulnerable populations. They have long been recognized as agents and advocates for improving health in local communities. In the era of the Affordable Care Act, there is increasing interest in integrating CHWs into team-based primary care as a key strategy to achieve Triple Aim goals of lower costs, better care and improved outcomes – and overall population health. CHWs will strengthen the linkages between public health and clinical practice, thereby enhancing community outreach, care coordination, and delivery of behavioral change strategies.
CHWs work in collaboration with many entities to include: community, state and charitable resources which complements several health prevention and interventions within the healthcare systems to accomplish improved health outcomes for patients and communities. Several CHWs are lay members of communities working to build community capacity and self-confidence in community members.

Maryland Community Health Worker Training
- Advocacy and community capacity building skills
- Effective oral and written communication skills
- Cultural competency/implicit bias
- Understanding of ethics and confidentiality issues
- Knowledge of local resources and system navigation
- Care coordination support skills
- Teaching skills promoting healthy behavior change.
- Outreach methods and strategies
- Understanding of public health concepts and health literacy