Community HIV/STI Outreach Program
Prince George’s Community HIV/STI Outreach Program C.H.O.P. is a youth HIV/Aids and STI education and prevention service. We target Prince George’s County residents ages 13-24.

Services We Provide
- Free HIV Testing
- HIV/STI Education
- Youth Prevention Classes
- Virtual Educational Programming
- Outreach Services
- Connections to Care
HIV Quick Facts
Some people have flu-like symptoms within 2 to 4 weeks after infection (called acute HIV infection). However, some people can be asymptotic. These symptoms may last for a few days or several weeks. Possible symptoms include:
- Fever
- Chills
- Rash
- Night sweats
- Muscle aches
- Sore throat
- Fatigue
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Mouth ulcers
When people with HIV don’t get treatment, they typically progress through three stages, acute, chronic, and AIDS. On the bright side, with modern medicine HIV medication can slow or prevent progression of the disease. With the advancements in treatment, progression to Stage 3 is less common today than in the early days of HIV.